Through our STEAM curriculum, students learn to question, test, observe, collaborate, and explain their findings in all activities. These skills are crucial as children experiment and investigate issues relevant to the world around them through hands-on learning opportunities.
The underlying thread for all NYE programs is the social emotional development of our students, which opens the door to learning. Students benefit from SEL currlicula focused on character development and leadership capabilities, and these lessons are reinforced throught NYE programming.
During the critical high school years, students face big choices around college and careers. New York Edge helps students gain a practical understanding of the decisions they face, weigh their options, chart a path towards their dreams, and take critical steps along that path. Whether students are taking on college applications, financial aid forms, and standardized tests, looking to enroll in a trade program and get to work quickly, New York Edge equips them with the skills and support they need.
New York Edge leadership programs focus on key skills and perspectives like effective communication, self-confidence, active listening, and coming to consensus. Students learn to work together towards shared goals, and in the process they use their voices, express their choices, and identify solutions that work for everyone. In the process, they come to understand their own skills and identities as leaders. Because leadership is a skill that must be developed through practice, New York Edge gives students opportunities to shape the programs they participate in.