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2025 TD Five Boro Bike Tour
Ride for a Cause with New York Edge at the 2025 TD Five Boro Bike Tour!
On Sunday, May 4th, over 30,000 cyclists will join forces for a thrilling 40-mile ride through all five boroughs of New York City in the world’s largest charitable bike ride.
Team New York Edge riders will have the opportunity to raise awareness and support for New York Edge, helping bridge the opportunity gap for students across our city through cutting-edge afterschool programs.
Each New York Edge rider commits to raising a minimum of $500 and will enjoy exclusive perks, including:
• Complimentary registration fee covered by New York Edge
• Guaranteed placement in the first start wave
• Breakfast and entertainment at the Start
• Lunch in the Charity enclosure at the Finish Festival
• A personal fundraising page on Classy
• Fundraising tips and personalized support from New York Edge staff
• A New York Edge sweatshirt and swag!
The deadline to register is April 23rd—don’t miss your chance to ride for New York Edge!