With the support of corporate partner SAP, one of the leading developers of enterprise software solutions, New York Edge brought more than 200 from four schools across the Bronx and Harlem to see Wakanda Forever at the AMC Magic Johnson Theater Harlem.

Students enjoyed the film – and the popcorn and drinks, of course! Afterwards, they heard from New York Edge’s CEO Rachael Gazdick and SAP’s Global Lead of Programs & Communications, Purpose & Sustainability Anina Montefort, and took part in a panel discussion with actor and filmmaker Adrian Sterling and Vice President of SAP.iO Foundries North and Latin America and Caribbean Kange Kaneene. 

The conversation was wide-ranging, touching on Black Panther’s influence, on the importance of diverse characters in movies, on how the characters inspire young BIPOC students, and on how superheroes like Shuri and Riri Williams, two young black women who are experts in AI and innovative technology, make STEM careers feel accessible and exciting.