Events + News
New York Edge Presents to Youth Development Training Conference

New York Edge education professionals were honored to present to The Association of New York State Youth Bureaus (ANYSYB) and the Coalition for Homeless Youth at their 49th Annual Youth Development Training in Albany, NY. Youth development experts from across the state and country convened to share ideas, learn best practices, and exchange knowledge on issues pertaining to positive youth development, prevention services, healthy living, and high-risk youth. 

Margie Baker, Director of Education and Carla Rosado, Program Manager presented a session called TOP QUALITY Targeting Optimal Program Quality Using Assessment Leadership Infusion, Teams, and Youth. The presentation highlighted the four-pronged approach used in the New York Edge Y-LEAD (youth leadership infusion) program that incorporates youth and staff development; tiered coaching; program assessment and evaluation; and data-driven program adjustment.

Rigaud Noel, Chief Partnership Officer New York Edge ran a very popular workshop Sustaining and Growing Your Agency through Grants Writing and Management. Participants learned the basics of grants writing as well as engaged in team activities that simulate an internal grants review process. They learned best practices in managing grant deadlines; quality control checks; identifying private funding, and developing sustainability plans.

Michelle Durante, Director of Arts and Ralph Labianca, Director of Sports & Wellness led a group to explore MINDfulness & Self-Care: Fostering Resilience with Your Youth. Teaching & learning = HARD WORK! Self-care is a simple (or not so simple) task of taking time and space to attend to your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. The participates explored how sports and arts activity can aid in Physical and Emotional Health: Stress Management for Youth. 

All these sessions were approved as SACC Training Credit an essential professional development tool.