student book publishing event at Strand


New York Edge’s Student Book Publishing Initiative presents an opportunity to help students develop and reinforce a joy of storytelling and creative expression that will serve them throughout their school years and beyond. Students in the program have the rewarding experience of becoming published authors while gaining exposure to leaders in the publishing industry.

Working in partnership with an award-winning children’s book author focused on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion within the genre, students in our after school program learn about the creative writing process, write their own stories and have them illustrated by professional artists. The program results in a tangible final product–a book that is for sale wherever books are sold–while also helping students better understand the science of storytelling, writing, art, and design. Additionally, income generated from book sales is reinvested in the Student Publishing Initiative. Currently, over 12 New York Edge sites have participated in this program!

I think it’s important for kids to see that great stories and great art can come from anywhere and from anyone, no matter how they look or how they dress.
– Jesse Byrd, Award-winning Author

The following books are available for purchase:

Four Friends: Beach Day at the Museum (by IS 116Q)

Mr. Daddy Long Neck Saves the Day (by CS 134X)

The Magical Bakery (by PS 116Q)